Since all of us were already one, there was never really a need for a club. So why have we made one? Out of habit, purely out of habit.
Here we will have made use of everything that has come into range, what is closest as well as farthest away. All in order to make ourselves recognizable and in turn, render the imperceptible within oursleves, the things that make us act, feel, and think, in incoherent stammerings and contradictory allusions.
Because it's nice to talk like everyone else, to say “we're a collection of independent thinkers”, when everyone already knows it's only a manner of speaking.
For we are no longer ourselves, We have been aided, inspired, and multiplied by all things great and small, by superimposed rigified structures, as well as the minor politics of everyday thought.
In short we have assigned ourselves this clever pseudonym to enhance recognition...we've also used these.
Former Saint Thomas Aquinas Scholar In Recovery
Four-Times Great
Free-market Marxist
Denton County's Leading Nietzsche Scholar (probably)
Sammich Man, The Internal Contridiction
True Marxist
Spiritual Cat
The Molecular and the Monumental
The Logician
Self propelled wheel
Jedi Knight, Reader of the Sith Holocrons
Ground Breaking Existentialist
Cool Guy
pfft, power structures